Hi, it's me - Mim! I am behind the one-woman-show that is Mim's Victims. I was born and raised in the Netherlands.
Mim's Victims started as a hobby in 2014, when I started collecting neglected porcelain dolls and turned them into new unique and gloomy creations. It wasn't until 2016 that I started making my own dolls from scratch, in my free time after work. I was mainly making black and grey humanoid dolls, sad figures in desperate need of comfort.
In January of 2018, circumstances led me to try and turn my creations into a career. Later that year I made my first set of pumpkin dolls. Every following year the number of pumpkin dolls increased and eventually they became so popular that they're now my only focus. My humanoids will always have a special place in my heart, but I love making pumpkin dolls and I'm so happy that they bring so many other people joy too. Thank you for being here on this journey with me! Your love and enthusiasm for my work keeps me going!
Every doll is a piece of art and they're not meant to be played with. They are completely handmade by me, from sculpting to sewing, without the use of any casting or molds. They are purely decorative, but making them sturdy is still a big priority.
Teaching is not part of my business, but you can see part of my creative process in video form on Instagram (and sometimes on TikTok). I also have an extensive FAQ that will likely answer any questions you have.